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Isnanto, Taufik and , Rochman Hadi Mustofa, S.Pd., M.Pd (2021)Pengelolaan Wisata Edukasi Rumah Atsiri Indonesia pada Masa Covid-19. Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.


The pandemic has been caused a significant impact especially on the tourism industry. This study aims to know about the management strategy of Indonesian Atsiri House educational tourism during pandemic, then about the inhibiting factor and solution who conducted by Indonesian Atsiri House manager. The research method was used qualitative with ethnographic design. All of collected data in this study with some observation, interview and documentation. The validity of data were used technical triangulation and source triangulation. The stage of data analysis technique has included such as data condensation, data presentation, and the conclusion. The result has showed, the pandemic had gotten Rumah Atsiri Indonesia some decreasing number of visitors and the volume of sales of essential oil products, beside the solution during pandemic included establishing with virtual tour service, utilized with online shopping platform, and formed a rescue team for emergency situation. This study provided a description of management and marketing strategies that could be used as a references for another educational tour.

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