Playground di ciwalk bandung


Minggu, 11 Juni 2017

Saya cukup sering bawa Akas main ke playground, sayangnya di Indonesia playground yang oke itu banyakan berada di mall dan berbayar, huhu. Saya coba tulis catatan seputar playground yang pernah kami datangi yaa. Sebenarnya sebelum ini sudah ada beberapa playground lain yang kami kunjungi, tapi ga ada foto yang proper, jadi mulai dari sini aja deh.

Dulu saya dan Akas pernah ke Ciwalk, pas lewat dekat playground, Akas udah mupeng banget pengen main. Tapi karena saat itu saya sudah mau pulang, saya ga bisa ajak Akas main dulu. Trus harganya relatif mahal juga menurut saya. Tapi muka melas dan mupengnya bikin merasa punya utang mulu, huhu. Jadinya janji ke diri sendiri kalau suatu saat mesti ke sana lagi.

Akhirnya beneran diagendakan deh ke sana. Akas tampak senang banget.

Area playground-nya dibagi 2, sepertinya dibagi antara mainan untuk anak yang lebih kecil (mungkin di bawah 2 tahun) dengan anak yang lebih besar. Dulu saya kira cuma bisa main di salah satu bagian aja, ternyata boleh semua. Mungkin dikasih batas biar aman aja untuk anak yang lebih kecil. Kalau yang gedean kan mainnya lebih heboh biasanya.

Untuk anak yang lebih kecil, mainannya ga banyak. Cuma yang kecil-kecil kayak perosotan kecil, mandi bola, kereta-keretaan, dan rumah-rumahan.

Area satunya lagi lebih besar, walaupun tidak terlalu luas. Standar, ada adventure playground untuk manjat dan meluncur. Ada juga flying fox mini, tapi saat itu Akas belum bisa mainin karena belum bisa menggantung.

Trus ada trampolin juga tapi saat itu Akas belum bisa melompat, lagian trampolinnya lagi dikuasai sama satu anak, yang umurnya mungkin sekitar 4-5 tahun. Oia tempat mandi bola juga ada dan bolanya lebih banyak lagi dibanding area sebelah.

Lalu ada rangka kotak-kotak untuk dipanjat. Akas coba manjat tapi saya malah khawatir sendiri kalau ntar kejengkang, wkwk. Itu aja sih yang saya ingat, karena pada dasarnya emang ga terlalu banyak juga mainan di sana.

Jump ‘n Gym

Lokasi: Cihampelas Walk (Ciwalk) Lantai 1

Harga Tiket (per Juni 2017): Rp40.000 untuk 30 menit, Rp75.000 untuk 1 jam (perlu dicek lagi sih, karena saya lupa-lupa ingat)

BACA JUGA:   Taman belakang rumah mewah luas


Reisha HumairaReisha Humaira

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Published June 17th 2019

Soft play and so much more for children in Bandung

Joy Fun Soft play

Joy n Fun and Ciwalk, Bandung

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As we were visiting the mall this time with three differently aged children, we decided that Joy n Fun would be a better fit. This is due to the fact that the activates there are more robust.

Soft play joy n gym price

Price correct as of June 2019

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The price for the whole day is 70,000 IDR each child with under ones free. The soft play opens the same hours as the mall from 10 am until 10 pm. For younger children they may enjoy the sand pit, please don’t let them eat it. Or the car mat area.

Sand pit Joy n Fun Ciwalk Bandung

Sand pit area

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Car mat area joy n fun ciwalk bandung toddlers

The car mat area

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For older more agile children the list is long. When you enter, you’ll find lockers, phone charging points and seats both inside and outside the venue for watching your child if you don’t fancy running around inside with them. As normal, you must wear socks. If you forget yours they do have some to buy for around 10,000 IDR.

Joy n Fun Bandung Ciwalk solf play todder

The main area of Joy n Fun

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Some of the activities include a ball pit, large bouncy castle with slide, trampoline at the back and sensory walls to entertain all. Along the side wall, is my toddler’s favourite bit – lots of role play cubics like a hospital, shop and salon etc.

Joy n fun bandung ciwalk toddler children

Role play area

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But for the older children, the climbing wall is always a draw. There’s a minimum height for this and it’s really well staffed. There are about 6 different displays for them to climb to the top of, press the buzzer and see their time. After that, the goal is to beat it and get faster and faster, so it turns in to endless fun.

Climbing wall bandung ciwalk soft play children toddler Joy n Fun

The climbing wall

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At certain times of the day they hold shows and song/dance times – think ‘Baby Shark’. When we’ve been there it’s normally around 3 pm but these change daily and are marked on a whiteboard near the entrance. And at the end of your day, as you leave you are offered a little plastic toy.

I also wanted to share the rules if you can read them – but the main point is this is not a daycare drop off service. So children will need to be accompanied by someone over 17 years old.

rules for joy n fun ciwalk bandung toddler children soft play

Rules – If you can read them

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Leave me a comment, which Ciwalk soft play do you prefer – Jump n’ Gym or Joy n’ Fun?

If you’re looking for things to do in the north of Bandung, then I’d always recommend Ciwalk Mall. For more details on it take a look at my other write up. Within the mall, there are two great soft play areas. I’ve already written about one so here are my thoughts on the other.As we were visiting the mall this time with three differently aged children, we decided that Joy n Fun would be a better fit. This is due to the fact that the activates there are more robust.The price for the whole day is 70,000 IDR each child with under ones free. The soft play opens the same hours as the mall from 10 am until 10 pm. For younger children they may enjoy the sand pit, please don’t let them eat it. Or the car mat area.For older more agile children the list is long. When you enter, you’ll find lockers, phone charging points and seats both inside and outside the venue for watching your child if you don’t fancy running around inside with them. As normal, you must wear socks. If you forget yours they do have some to buy for around 10,000 IDR.Some of the activities include a ball pit, large bouncy castle with slide, trampoline at the back and sensory walls to entertain all. Along the side wall, is my toddler’s favourite bit – lots of role play cubics like a hospital, shop and salon etc.But for the older children, the climbing wall is always a draw. There’s a minimum height for this and it’s really well staffed. There are about 6 different displays for them to climb to the top of, press the buzzer and see their time. After that, the goal is to beat it and get faster and faster, so it turns in to endless fun.At certain times of the day they hold shows and song/dance times – think ‘Baby Shark’. When we’ve been there it’s normally around 3 pm but these change daily and are marked on a whiteboard near the entrance. And at the end of your day, as you leave you are offered a little plastic toy.I also wanted to share the rules if you can read them – but the main point is this is not a daycare drop off service. So children will need to be accompanied by someone over 17 years old.Leave me a comment, which Ciwalk soft play do you prefer – Jump n’ Gym or Joy n’ Fun?

It is in the midsst of the city. On the main road you will find the old Cihanpelas selling jeans, clothes. tee shirts and batik. it is anytime better than the FO (Factory Outlet) Even though the jeans are all fake but the quality is good. At the FO it is all branded and cost twice as much.

At the top of the shop they have large models of Rambo etc…At night it is all brighten up. if you are looking for jeans then this is the place to look for.

if you are hungry there are alot of fast food and local outlets.

At the back of Cihanpelas is the cihanpelas Walk. It is a mall with alot of outlets. It is a/c. It has a very neat layout in this area.

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