Wisata Alam di Daerah Bogor Jawa Barat

Hairyanto Dongoran

Bogor, the city located in West Java, is known for its beautiful natural scenery and abundant attractions. With its location near Jakarta, Bogor has become a favorite destination for both Jakarta residents and tourists. In this article, we will explore some of the best natural attractions in Bogor.

Kebun Raya Bogor

Kebun Raya Bogor is the most well-known natural attraction in Bogor and is a must-visit for tourists. The garden was established in 1817 and consists of 87 hectares of stunning nature, including more than 15,000 unique plant species! Kebun Raya Bogor is home to various gardens, including palm gardens, orchid gardens, and even a giant water lily garden. You can also find some historical buildings such as the presidential palace and the Bogor Botanical Museum. Kebun Raya Bogor is undoubtedly a perfect place for a nature lover and for those who interested in plants.

Curug Bidadari

If you’re seeking excitement, you must visit Curug Bidadari. This waterfall located behind the Cilember Village and approximately an hour away from Bogor city center by car. After you reach the parking area, you must walk for approximately 20 minutes to reach the waterfall. However, the effort is well worth it! The pristine water and the beautiful surrounding forest landscape make the waterfall breathtakingly beautiful, and it’s one of the hidden gems of Bogor.

Taman Wisata Matahari

Taman Wisata Matahari located in Cijayanti Village, South Bogor District. This theme park offers visitors a fun and exciting way to enjoy the natural surroundings. You can try various rides such as flying fox and sliding, enjoy the charming waterfall, and witness the beautiful panoramic views of nature, which will leave an everlasting impression on you. Taman Wisata Matahari also offers many facilities that will make your visit more comfortable, including several restaurants, souvenir shops, and cozy cottages for those who want to stay longer.

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Gunung Pancar

If you’re looking for stunning natural scenery in Bogor, Gunung Pancar is a must-visit. Gunung Pancar located in Tanjungsari Village, near the border between Bogor and Depok, West Java. The mountain is part of the Gunung Halimun National Park, and visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the incredible mountain scenery. There are also a few charming waterfalls nearby that you can easily visit, such as Curug Cikawung and Curug Leuwi Hejo.

Situ Gunung

Situ Gunung is a lake located in the village of Cijaler, which is only 20 km away from Bogor city. This beautiful lake is part of the Mount Gede Pangrango National Park and has clear blue water surrounded by a stunning mountainous landscape. The lake is perfect for those who love to fish or try to experience a new water sports activities such as kayaking or paddleboarding.

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