Klaim Budaya Indonesia oleh Negara Lain

Wani Mandasari

Indonesia is a country that is rich in culture. From its cuisine to its traditional dances, Indonesia has a colorful heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation. Despite this, there have been instances where other countries have claimed parts of Indonesia’s cultural heritage as their own. This article will explore some of those instances and the impact they have had on Indonesian culture.

Batik: Indonesia’s National Treasure

One of Indonesia’s most famous cultural exports is batik. Batik is a traditional cloth that is made by applying wax to a fabric before dying it with various colors. The wax acts as a barrier, creating unique patterns on the fabric. Batik has been a part of Indonesian culture for centuries and is considered a national treasure.

However, there have been instances where other countries have claimed batik as their own. For example, in 2009, Malaysia claimed batik as its cultural heritage and applied for a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage listing. This caused an uproar in Indonesia, with many Indonesians arguing that batik was an integral part of their national identity. Thankfully, UNESCO eventually recognized batik as Indonesia’s cultural heritage.

Indonesian Cuisine: A Melting Pot of Flavors

Indonesian cuisine is another aspect of the country’s cultural heritage that has been targeted by others. Indonesian cuisine is a melting pot of flavors, with influences from Chinese, Indian, and Dutch cuisine. However, there have been instances where other countries have claimed Indonesian food as their own.

For example, in 2018, a Dutch-based fast food chain claimed that they had created the Indonesian dish nasi goreng. Nasi goreng is a popular Indonesian dish that consists of fried rice mixed with vegetables, meat, and spices. The claim caused outrage in Indonesia, with many Indonesians arguing that nasi goreng was a traditional Indonesian dish that had been around for centuries.

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The Impact of Cultural Appropriation

The appropriation of Indonesian cultural heritage has had a significant impact on the country’s national identity. For many Indonesians, their culture is an essential part of who they are. When other countries claim parts of that culture as their own, it can be both hurtful and confusing.

Furthermore, the appropriation of Indonesian culture can have negative economic consequences. When other countries claim parts of Indonesia’s cultural heritage as their own, it can hurt Indonesia’s tourism industry. Tourists may be less likely to visit the country if they believe that they can experience Indonesian culture elsewhere.


In conclusion, Indonesia’s cultural heritage is an essential part of the country’s national identity. While other countries may find elements of that culture attractive, it is crucial that they recognize and respect Indonesia’s ownership of its cultural heritage. By doing so, we can preserve the unique and vibrant culture of Indonesia for generations to come.

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