Bagikan, JAKARTA – Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan menyampaikan bahwa Taman Tebet di Jakarta Selatan akan direvitalisasi menjadi Tebet Eco Garden.
Anies lewat akun Instagram @aniesbaswedan, Kamis (22/10/2020), menyampaikan bahwa ada enam fakta menjarik revitalisasi Tebet Eco Garden.
1. Akan dibuat infinity connecting bridge untuk menyatukan Taman Tebet Utara dan Taman Tebet Selatan yang selama ini terpisah Jl. Tebet Raya.
Baca Juga : Epidemiolog Sebut Strategi Covid-19 DKI Salah Sasaran
Jembatan ini bakal menyatukan aktivitas taman, memanjakan pejalan kaki dan pesepeda.
2. Taman Maju Bersama ini punya visi mengembalikan fungsi taman secara ekologi, menjadi sarana interaksi, edukasi, dan rekreasi bagi masyarakat DKI Jakarta.
3. Sungai sepanjang taman bakal dinaturalisasi dengan pelebaran dan perubahan profil tanggul, agar bisa jadi kolam retensi saat hujan.
4. Pohon yang tidak sehat akan diganti. Naturalisasi akan menyesuaikan dengan kondisi vegetasi yang ada.
5. Memiliki fasilitas baru seperti jogging track, plaza, sentra makanan, taman tematik, taman bibit yang diperuntukkan oleh komunitas farming, dan taman bermain anak.
6. Konsep taman bermain anak menggunakan inspirasi hewan-hewan di habitat rawa, seperti meluncur bagai ular, melompat bagai katak, dan memanjat bak tupai.
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anies baswedan taman
The Tebet Eco Park (Indonesian: Taman Eco Tebet) or Taman Kota Tebet is a park located at Tebet in Jakarta, Indonesia.[1][2] The park was previously known as Tebet Honda Park and has a land area of 7 hectares. It is a popular place for exercise, socialization, and recreation for neighboring community.[3]
This park was revitalized in 2022, for multi-functional purposes. It has three main concepts in its development, namely prioritizing ecological functions, especially flood control, social space functions, and also the function of educational and recreational spaces for residents. This park has forest buffer, link bridge, community lawn, wetland boardwalk, children’s playground, plaza, community garden, and thematic garden.[4][5] The park has two part, north and south, connected by a pedestrian bridge.[6]
There is a Wetland Boardwalk to help contain water flow and increase water retention. Meanwhile, in the Community Garden, there is the main entrance to the South Area with a pavilion equipped with facilities for social activities for the community around Tebet. Swamp Playground or children’s play area with a variety of games and viewing decks that take advantage of different contours. The northern part of the park, there are TEP Plaza, thematic gardens, and community lawns. TEP plaza serves as a drop-off area or a visitor’s recipient, equipped with a pavilion building, amphitheater, parking facilities and MSMEs. Furthermore, opposite TEP Plaza there is an area with an existing density of Leda trees which is used as a Thematic Garden. Meanwhile, Community Lawn is presented as an area for public activities to do whitout family or friends, in the field, with an interactive open lawn.[7]
JAKARTA, – Tebet Eco Park di Jakarta Selatan telah kembali dibuka pada Senin (15/8/2022).
Masyarakat yang ingin menikmati fasilitas Tebet Eco Park harus mendaftarakan diri terlebih dahulu melalui aplikasi JAKI.
Hal ini sebagaimana informasi yang diunggah oleh akun Instagram Dinas Pertamanan dan Hutan Kota Provinsi DKI Jakarta @tamanhutandki.
Bagaimana caranya?
Pertama, buka aplikasi JAKI dan klik banner bertuliskan “Daftar Masuk Tebet Ecok Park” di aplikasi.
Baca juga: Saat Taman Literasi Martha Christina Tiahahu Dibuka, Tiga Hal Ini Patut Disiapkan
Lalu, pengunjung harus mengisi data kunjungan dan data diri. Poin ini mencakup jumlah pengunjung, tanggal berkunjung dan waktu berkunjung yang terbagi menjadi 2 sesi.
Sesi pertama adalah pukul 07.00-11.00 WIB dan sesi kedua pukul 13.00-17.00 WIB. Kemudian pengunjung akan mendapatkan barcode sebagai tiket masuk.
Tebet Eco Park menyediakan 5 lokasi kantong parkir, yaitu di area samping Sarana Square, SMPN 73 Jakarta (hanya pada akhir pekan), Pom Bensin MT Haryono, Gedung Graha Pratama dan Gedung Wisma Pede.
Untuk diketahui, taman yang baru diresmikan pada bulan April 2022 tersebut mendapat sejumlah perbaikan sejak pertengahan Juni.
Diinformasikan, salah satu pekerjaan yang dilakukan adalah penanaman kembali tanaman hias di sekeliling zona community garden.
Baca juga: Perpustakaan Taman Ismail Marzuki Resmi Dibuka, Ini Fasilitasnya
Juga dilakukan pembangunan zona pet park di taman bagian selatan, naturalisasi sungai dan filterisasi sampah padat di sepanjang aliran sungai.
Tak ketinggalan, dilakukan pemasangan rambu-rambu yang lebih informatif untuk pengunjung hingga perbaikan area tangga darurat di link bridge.
Selain itu, dilakukan penanam kembali rumput di zona thematic garden dan community lawn, pembangunan area UMKM hingga pembangunan kolam dekat wetland boardwalk.
Tebet Eco Park berdiri di lahan seluas 7 hektar yang diharapkan bisa berfungsi sebagai ruang terbuka hijau dan ruang terbuka biru.
Tebet Eco Park terbagi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu sisi utara dan selatan. Sisi selatan taman ditetapkan sebagai area community garden di mana terdapat eksisting kebun bibit.
Zona wetland boardwalk yang juga terletak di sisi selatan taman berfungsi untuk membantu menahan laju air dan meningkatkan retensi air.
Tersedia pula area bermain anak dengan beragam permainan hingga viewing deck yang memanfaatkan perbedaan kontur.
Di sini terdapat pintu masuk utama area selatan dengan paviliun penerima yang dilengkapi dengan toilet untuk kegiatan sosial-masyarakat di sekitar Tebet Selatan.
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After being renovated since 2021, the long-awaited Tebet Eco Park was officiated by Anies Baswedan, Governor of Jakarta, on Saturday, 23 April 2022 and opened for public on the following day.
Link Bridge above the re-naturalised river
The playground is a popular attraction at Tebet Eco Park. Photos by Dinda Mundakir
It revitalises two existing parks in the area, adding the new functions of children’s playgrounds, exercise equipment, thematic gardens, community lawns, plaza and pavilions, and a wetland boardwalk. More than just adding facilities for public recreation, the revitalisation also focuses on ecological enhancement of the blue-green city infrastructure as part of the Jakarta Government’s climate action towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
For example, every existing tree was mapped and health-checked; unhealthy trees that posed a danger of falling were repurposed as mulch and park furniture. The river embankment that ran across the park was also naturalised by widening and changing its profile to become a retention pond. This is a measure to prevent flooding of the surrounding area during heavy rainfall (read more about this project in FuturArc 3Q 2021: Equity and Urban Interventions).
According to Suzi Marsitawati, Head of the Jakarta Parks and Urban Forests Service at the opening ceremony: “The goal is to create a city park that is representative, recreational, educational and provides positive benefits for the surrounding ecology and Jakarta on a macro basis.”
Every tree in the park, including these ‘rainbow tree’ or Eucalyptus deglupta had been health-checked
Trees that were in danger of falling were repurposed as park materials, including in the playground
History and city context
Strategically located close to the central business district, Tebet is also one of the oldest neighbourhoods in South Jakarta. It was established in the late 1950s by the government as replacement land for residents who were displaced from the Senayan area, which was being redeveloped into the city centre. Tebet is also popularly known as the area where former United States president, Barack Obama, once went to school.
Running across the area is Ciliwung River, the city’s longest waterway that measures over 120 kilometres. This river was originally the centre of Tebet’s ‘garden city’ planning concept. However, rapid development of the area has converted a vast majority of green open areas into housing.
River embankment
Community plaza
The two untouched parklands that remained along the river, previously named Taman Tebet and Taman Honda, were jointly redeveloped as Tebet Eco Park.
Totalling 7 hectares, the two parks are now connected by an infinity-shaped Link Bridge, lifted 6 metres above the main road to separate the pedestrian path from vehicle traffic. The park does not provide parking spaces for motor vehicles—instead, cycling, walking and taking public transportation is encouraged, considering its proximity to the nearby Cawang commuter station.
Meeting the need for quality green spaces
Behind the park’s improvement is the cooperation of multiple stakeholders. It is the result of a public-private partnership between the provincial government of Jakarta, including its various technical agencies, and PT Award Global Infinity as the developer. The project was helmed by landscape design firm SIURA, alongside Studio Sae as the architecture firm.
Tebet Eco Park is the latest priority public park to be revitalised after Taman Matraman in Central Jakarta and Taman Puring in Kebayoran Baru reopened in 2020. There is a total of 53 public parks currently set for optimisation across the province, measuring up to 27 hectares.
However, this is still a small number when compared to Jakarta’s 66,000-hectare land area. Data from Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning in 2021 showed that less than 10 per cent (6,000 hectares) of all land in the metropolis is open green space—a large gap compared to regulations that dictate a minimum of 30 per cent (21,000 hectares). Considering Jakarta’s steep land prices and dense built environment, it is unlikely that this requirement could be met in the near future. Despite this challenge at the macro scale, park revitalisation brings undeniable social and environmental benefits for its surrounding community. The public’s enthusiasm for Tebet Eco Park shows that there is a high demand for open green spaces—making this an opportune time to push for more efforts to bring Nature back into the city.
RELATED: Tebet Eco Garden
Tebet Eco Garden | FuturArc
The revitalisation focuses on utilising the existing degraded environment with design interventions that maximise ecological restoration.
RELATED: Q&A with Anton Siura about Tebet Eco Garden
FAP 2022 Juror Project Highlight: Anton Siura’s Spectacular Tebet Eco Garden | FuturArc
Handling large-scale public parks is not a walk in the park—they require close coordination between many government and private parties, from assessing the existing conditions, ideating designs that could engage the community, to ensuring ecological restoration through the blue-green infrastructure.…