Taman keluarga malaysia putrajaya


PUTRAJAYA, 6 Sept — The Royal Floria Putrajaya 2022, a flower and garden festival exhibiting various species and cultivars as well as ornamental plants, has been extended to Sunday (Sept 11) instead of ending today (Sept 6), said Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Dr Shahidan Kassim.

He said, in conjunction with the school holidays which ends on Sunday, entrance to the festival will be free beginning tomorrow to enable parents to take their children to the festival.

“This is a gift for Keluarga Malaysia (Malaysian Family). We are giving free entrance because there are parents who bring their children to visit Putrajaya, so it is good that we give free tickets to enter (festival).

“With the free entrance, we are targetting 100,000 visitors to attend during the five-day extension period,” he said after attending the closing ceremony of the Royal Floria Putrajaya 2022 here today.

Last Friday, Putrajaya Corporation (PPj) announced the extension of the festival until today (Sept 6) following a very encouraging response from the public. It should have ended on Sept. 4.

Shahidan said the various interesting activities will continue to be held including performances by a group of buskers and a lucky draw, on the last day of the festival, offering a motorcycle as its main prize.

More than 400,000 people visited the festival since it opened to the public on Aug 29. Located in Anjung Floria, Precinct 4 here, there are about 10,000 orchids and 400,000 various plants on display.

The Royal Floria Putrajaya 2022 also showcases Taman Keluarga Malaysia (Malaysia Family Park) with a concept adapted through the three values of inclusivity, togetherness and gratitude.

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Among the components of the festival, besides Taman Keluarga Malaysia, are Taman Koboi and Sukulen, Taman Instagrammable, Hiasan Dinding Orkid and Terowong Oncidium.

Shahidan, in the meantime, also declared the bunya raya (hibiscus) as the official flower of Putrajaya.

KUALA LUMPUR, July 19 — Putrajaya has allocated RM5 million to promote the “Keluarga Malaysia” campaign, the main thrust of the administration led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

The matter was revealed by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Special Functions) Datuk Abd Latiff Ahmad in a written reply to Fahmi Fadzil, the Member of Parliament for Lembah Pantai.

“This allocation is part of the development spending under the item Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 (SPV2030) and the Keluarga Malaysia Shared Prosperity Communication Plan and is in the procurement process to include advertising and promotional work,” the minister said.

The allocation included spending for a communication plan, short videos, audio recordings, television time slots, billboards, social media campaigns, infographics and brochures.

The SPV 2030 was unveiled by the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government as a 10-year roadmap to turn Malaysia into a rich economy through what it described as sustainable and inclusive growth.

To reach this goal, the PH government has outlined three key objectives. First is by restructuring the economy to be knowledgeable based that all groups can participate in at all levels and develop together to be more progressive.

Second is to address the income gap so no one is left behind. This takes into account the ethnic differences, social classes, and regions within Malaysia.

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Third is to build Malaysia to be united and prosperous so it can be the new centre of Asia.

Selepas tertangguh disebabkan pandemik COVID-19, pameran fauna terbesar di Malaysia iaitu Royal Floria Putrajaya bakal kembali pada tahun 2022 ini !

Tarikh, Lokasi dan Masa

Pameran bunga tahunan edisi ke-13 itu akan berlangsung di Anjung Floria, tapak pameran yang dibina khas di Presint 4, Putrajaya dari 29 Ogos hingga 4 September 2022 dari jam 9 pagi sehingga 10 malam. Bagaimanapun tahun ini, Floria Diraja Putrajaya 2022 akan menjadi acara yang lebih singkat berbanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya yang berlangsung selama 10 hari.

Bertemakan ‘FLORIA Awesome’, dan bunga orkid sebagai bunga tema kali ini, pengalaman indah menanti pengunjung apabila FLORIA Diraja Putrajaya.

Tarikan Utama & Aktiviti

Antara tarikan utama pada Royal Floria Putrajaya edisi kali ini adalah Taman Keluarga Malaysia, Taman Koboi, Taman Instagrammable, Wall of Orkid, Terowong Oncidium, Clock Meadow, ‘Glow in the Dark Garden’, dan Taman Bonsai dan Suiseki manakala komponen lain seperti Royal Garden dan Floral Sky Walk.

Apabila malam tiba, pengalaman menakjubkan menanti pengunjung. Taman-taman di Royal Floria akan dipenuhi dengan kesan pencahayaan khas kerana laluan pejalan kaki utama dan kawasan utama iaitu Permaidani Merah, Terowong Oncidium, Dendrobium Walk, dan Taman Fantasi dilimpahi dengan warna-warna yang memukau. Pengunjung pasti kagum dengan penggunaan teknologi kreatif yang inovatif untuk meningkatkan pameran flora dan fauna yang dipamerkan pada waktu malam.

Selain itu, terdapat lebih 300 aktiviti yang akan diadakan setiap hari seperti demonstrasi gubahan bunga, bengkel berkebun, pertunjukan hiburan, pertandingan fotografi, pertandingan cat air dan acara seni dan kraf yang lain.

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Peta Acara Royal Floria Putrajaya 2022

Panduan Lengkap Royal Floria Putrajaya 2022 : Tarikh, Masa, Peta, Harga Tiket, Tarikan dan AktivitiPelan Tapak Acara Royal Floria Putrajaya 2022

Harga Tiket Royal Floria Putrajaya 2022

JENISWARGANEGARA (RM)BUKAN WARGANEGARA (RM)Dewasa15.00100.00Kanak-Kanak (7-12 tahun) 5.0050.00Warga Emas15.0030.00Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU)Percuma30.00Harga Tiket Acara Royal Floria Putrajaya 2022

Untuk membeli tiket masuk ke Royal Floria Putrajaya 2022, anda boleh klik pautan ini.




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