Playground di kuningan city mall


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News Desk (The Jakarta Post)

Jakarta   ●  

Sun, November 24, 2019








A farm-themed playground has just opened in Kuningan City, South Jakarta, for children to learn about farming and food production. The “edutainment” park Youreka Kids Farm allows children aged 3 to 12 to experience farming through roleplay, using animatronic cattle and toy crops to mimic real fields and factories. 

During the soft opening held on Nov. 22, director Michael Ruly Atmadja said the idea for Youreka Kids Farm came from his concerns about children from the alpha generation expecting everything to arrive instantly. He believed there was a missing link between formal education and everyday life. This concern, along with the realization that Jakarta lacks places for children to learn and play at the same time, led to the development of the playground.

“We want all children who play here to discover something new,” said Karina Rianti Triatmodjo, General Manager.

Youreka Kids Farm features eight fields, including the Cow Barn, Chicken Farm and Coconut Plantation, as well as seven workshops, including Cheese Factory, House of Tea, and Fishball Kitchen.

Read also: Multimedia playground in Karawaci allows kids to explore space

The children will be supervised by trained instructors and are guaranteed a safe and clean learning environment. Other facilities include a multipurpose room, a cafe, nursery, lockers and a merchandise corner for visitors.

The activities will be held in three sessions every day. Session one is from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; session two is from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.; and session three is from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The entrance fee for one child is Rp 150.000 (US$ 10.63) on weekdays and 200.000 on weekends. Each child is allowed to bring one chaperone (with the minimum age of 17) at no extra charge.

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Youreka Kids Farm is located on the third floor of Kuningan City mall. (vel/mut)

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Kuningan City Residence has a complete well-maintained facility for its residents. If you become residents, these luxurious and exclusive facilities are available for you.

Outdoor Swimming Pool

kuningan city denpasar residence swimming pool

Outdoor swimming pool is located on the 1st floor in Denpasar Residence. Even though the pool lies outside the building, the water are still cold. There are no sun exposures can go through the pool. The pool depth is only 120 cm, so it is pretty save for your kids to swim, as long as you are carefully watching them.

When I was there, I can feel breezy atmosphere beside the pool. It is a perfect place to enjoy the scenery, since you can see many skyscrapers behind the swimming pool. I saw some expats sunbathing next to the pool. They whether used their own bench chair or a bench that is provided by apartment official. 

You can find many green trees and plants around the swimming pool. Some of the trees were draped by a fabric with black and white checked pattern. This is reinforce the Balinese ambience here. 

Operation Hours:

  • Weekdays: 07:00 – 22:00
  • Weekend: 06:00 – 23:00


Garden Pool

Adjacent to swimming pool, there is a garden pool for residents. Garden pool is a perfect place for those who want to relax, reading books, or even take a siesta. You can find many soft and pillowy couch around here.  


Outdoor Playground

Walking in a few meters from the swimming pool, you can find an outdoor playground. This playground provides safetiness for your kids. The floor is layered by fluffy green rug, so your kid’s won’t get slipped. This playground also encircled by concrete parapet wall, that it will guarantee your kids safety and they have no chance of falling. 

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There are three rides you can find here, swing ride, slide ride and a teeter-totter. These rides are in a good condition and very well maintained.


Indoor Playground

Kuningan City Denpasar Residence Playground

If it is rain outside, you and your kids can move to indoor playground and continue your activity. In this room, there are many toys for your kids to play with. Not only that, your kids could also play slide ride similar to the outside playground. Indoor playground is equipped with AC and the interior is well decorated. 


Residents Lounge

Kuningan City Denpasar Residence Lounge

For those who love reading a book or magazine, there is residents lounge to accomodate the need. This place is quite wide and comfy, very compatible for reading and chatting. The books that are provided here come from various genre such as science book, fiction, property magazine, English language book, even Mandarin and Japanese book. 



Kuningan City Denpasar Residence Gym

Gym in Denpasar Residence is located on the 1st floor and the room is quite spacious. This may due to not many type of gym equipment provided here. There are 4 tread mill, 2 lat pull-down gym machine, 4 bike cycle and some gym balls. Since there are enough equipment, you don’t have to take turn with other residents to workout. If you are beginner to gym workout, there is a complete guidelines of exercise movement posted on the gym wall. 


Sauna and Steam Room

Not many apartment in Jakarta have sauna as their amenity. However, Kuningan City Denpasar Residence has it. Sauna and steam room is located next to the gym. You can steam bath yourself after workout. Remember to not exceed the maximum time limit, 30 minutes, in this sauna and steam room. 



Be in the same room with sauna, there is also Jacuzzi. There are two type of jacuzzi tub in this room, the round one and the square one. It is important to cleaning your body first before bathing in jacuzzi. 

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Tennis Table

You can find a tennis table next to swimming pool. You should bring your own ball and bet if you want to play tennis table here.


Vending Machine

Although I cannot find any supermarket around facility floor, I found a vending machine adjacent to swimming pool. Unfortunately the vending machine is malfunction, so I cannot purchase anything from there. 

Jakarta is loaded with shopping malls. Anyone who visits a Jakarta usually spends time in one of them. Kuningan City is a good pick if you have limited time and want to see a little more. Kuningan City is easily accessed and contains all the usual high end outlets, coffee shops and the movies on the top floor.

.If you have a craving for meat and beer or a big Caesar Salad, there is an Outback restaurant that will meet your needs. For me, the interest lies in 2 add values that are worth checking out. Take the escalator down to the basement where you will find several of the popular Indonesian chain restaurants like Solaria and Cafe Betawi. These serve good indonesian food at modest prices and always fresh.

A hundred metres up the road is the second add value, Ambassador Mall. This ” local” mall is a sprawling affair made up of small shop holdings spread over two buildings and 3 levels. For locals and resident expats, it’s a go to for computers, phones and software. Also highly recommended here are DVDs, shoes, sports clothes, luggage and anything to do with prescription lenses. I always get my glasses and lenses there for a fraction of Australian prices.

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