Can you camp on common ground


are you a young person that wants to be a leader of change and meet other youth from different backgrounds?

join the camp common ground community this summer!

(Read our covid-19 protocols to ensure camper and staff safety.)

Camp Common Ground is a two-year, leadership program. We bring racially and economically diverse middle and high schoolers together. We equip them with the leadership, social-emotional, and cultural competencies that they’ll use to develop meaningful relationships with each other. And we have so much fun!

Once admitted, youth embark on a 2+ year leadership journey. After the 2 week overnight camp, they participate in school-year Leadership Academy where they complete a project to make change in their schools and communities. Then, they return for a second summer and mentor in a new group of Commoners!

Listen to our youth and their parents to hear the impact Camp Common Ground is having

Our “Commoners” share about their experience over those 12 nights — the skills they learned, how we became a family, and why you should join our community!

At Camp Common Ground we believe that a healthy family vacation should be a balance of shared family experiences and time for personal growth and revitalization. Our programs balance both, with opportunities for each family member to connect with their peers, their own interests, and each other.

While the tiniest campers make supervised messes and teens explore the trails, grownups can find an art class, swimming spot, new friends…or a good book in a hammock. Nature, creativity, music, silliness, learning, lounging – do as much (or as little) as you please.

See what a typical day looks like at Camp Common Ground and the types of activities offered for kids, teens, adults, and everybody.

The information on this page is from Summer 2022.

Updates for Summer 2023 are typically posted in February, with enrollment opening in March. Complete the short form HERE to be notified by email when camp info is posted and when registration dates are announced!

Basic camp information:

Schedule: TWO WEEK SESSIONS (campers may be enrolled in one or more sessions) as follows:

  • July 4 – 15, 2022 (OPEN on July 4)
  • July 18 – 29, 2022
  • August 1 – 12, 2022

Camp hours: 8:30 AM – 3 PM, with extended day available from 3 – 5:30 PM.  Morning care before 8:30 AM is not available.

Camp fees:

$575 per 2 week session for Adventure Camp and Treehouse Camp

$625 per 2 week session Cooking Camp, Amazing Animals Camp, and Rangers Camp

$710 per 2 week session for Sprouts Camp

$355 per 2 week session for Junior Counselors

$210 per 2 week session for EXTENDED DAY from 3 – 5:30 PM

FINANCIAL AID is available for summer camp. Complete the short application HERE to see if you are eligible for a fee reduction of 10% – 75%.

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Click on the blocks below to read more about each of our camp options!

What CBC Visitors are saying…

  • I now understand why my daughter would come home from camp each year saying, This was the best week of camp ever! Debbie Loranger from Conewango Baptist Church

  • I really liked the way the altar call was handled. It wasn’t treated like a time for the preacher to see how many kids he could get to the altar. It was a great environment for the Holy Spirit to work for Himself instead of preachers trying to force shallow decisions. Jessi Pontius from Mission Baptist Temple

  • Thank you for everything! It was a huge blessing! I didn’t even realize how much I personally needed camp this year. Erica Beyea from Old Time Baptist Church

  • Commonground Baptist Camp is so Biblically unique. It is worth driving from Maine to come! Mark Philbrick from Clinton Baptist Church

  • I appreciate that you had both standards and love; it was a great atmosphere. I appreciated that there was enthusiasm, but it wasn’t overly competitive. Ryan Gilin from Mission Baptist Temple

  • I appreciate how much you and the staff do! Camp is spiritual and fun! Chuck Schwartz from Bible Baptist Church

  • Commonground Baptist Camp is truly the highlight of the year. Joshua Castor from Calvary Road Baptist Church

  • I’m so glad we had camp this year. No matter where we live, this is our camp. Chrisie Selby from Valley View Baptist Church

  • The messages were direct and to the point. Great! I want more! If we could have a month of this preaching 5 days a week, it wouldn’t be enough. Sean Dye from Faith Bible Baptist Church

  • It was a great time. The spirit of the staff is a blessing. I love the structure and how well planned and run the camp is. Sara Russo from Walker Bible Baptist Church

2023 Camp Dates & Info

Day of fasting and prayer for camp – Monday, May 1st, 2023

2023 Camp Dates

  • Teen Week 1 – July 3-7 Ages 12+
  • Junior Week 1 – July 10-14 Ages 8-12
  • Junior Week 2 – July 17-21 Ages 8-12
  • Teen Week 2 – July 24-28 Ages 12+

Tournament Dates – 2023

  • Girls Soccer Tournament – October 7th, 2023
  • Boys Football Tournament – October 21st, 2023

The Soccer Tournament is always the first Saturday of October and the Football Tournament is always the third Saturday of October.

Tournament Flyer

Junior/Teen Memory Verse Sheet

Not available yet for 2023

Camp 2023 Flyer What is Commonground Baptist Camp?

Commonground Baptist is a local church camp ministry under the direction of Southeast Bible Baptist Church, and it is designed to serve local churches of like faith and practice. The ministry started when it held its first ever Winter Retreat for teenagers in 1995. Winter camps have been held every year since and Genesee Valley expanded to include summer camp in 2000. God has abundantly blessed and I will gladly put you in touch with pastors who will testify of God working in their youth departments because of the ministry of Commonground.

Camp Philosophy

Christ Honoring: Our goal is to honor Christ in all things. We are not building a kingdom and we are not entertaining. This is a camp run by a youth pastor who sends his kids too!

Affordable: When registered early, a week of camp is only $88!

Modest Attire: Our camp strives for an atmosphere that does not hinder the working of the Holy Spirit.

Preaching Centered: Plenty of fun times, but there will be lots of Biblical, Balanced, and Boiling Hot Preaching!!!

What makes it different?

Commonground is a distinctly Baptist camp that has attempted to lift up a standard in the midst of this Laodecian age. Christ honoring preaching is in the center of this ministry. The messages at camp often stress a total surrender to God in every area of your life. Love God supremely, forsake the sins of this world, and serve Him with all your might. A goal for every camp week is to have an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit has free reign to work. To that end we have a code of conduct for our camp that emphasizes modesty.

The spirit of the camp also sets it apart. As the teens respond to the preaching, the games, and the counselors, the camp has a spirit where the teens just don’t want to go home! Camp is a place where you can not only do business with God, but you can really enjoy being a Christian.

Why is it a ministry?

I have seen camp have such an incredible impact on the lives of teens and adults that I do not want to see it denied to anybody. Many people over the years have argued to me that I should not be concerned about camp costs because teens can get money for the things that they really want. As a youth director, however, I know how the cost of camp can really have an impact on teens signing up for camp. Our enemy will use anything to hinder a teen from going to something that will bless them, including the cost! I want to keep camp affordable so that every teen can go and be blessed. Money that comes in for support goes for expenses and the expansion of the camp ministry. None of it goes to our local church.

What is the vision?

From a small winter retreat, Commonground Baptist Camp has grown to include multiple teen summer weeks, multiple junior weeks, men’s retreats and sporting tournaments. For further expansion, it is important for the camp to acquire it’s own property. Will you pray with us to that end?

Pastor Jim Krohn, Camp Director

John has self-certified that Hipcamp’s COVID-19 Safety Standards have been implemented at this listing. See what’s being done here

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We are a community supported agriculture farm that uses a blend of modern technology with organic farming practices to feed over 140 families fresh vegetables and herbs. We offer camping space with electricity and bathroom facilities available. Your children will love our two friendly, playful Australian sheepdogs May and Lily. 4 Camp sites are set at the back of the prop

We are a community supported agriculture farm that uses a blend of modern technology with organic farming practices to feed over 140 families fresh vegetables and herbs. We offer camping space with electricity and bathroom facilities available. Your children will love our two friendly, playful Australian sheepdogs May and Lily. 4 Camp sites are set at the back of the property under oak trees. Bathroom and cooking amenities are less then 2 minutes from sites. You are just 5 miles from grocery stores and shopping, but we have the feel of being in the country. Beaches, State Parks with springs and all the central Florida attractions are within an hour drive or less. You are free to roam the fields and select vegetables and herbs to prepare in your meals or you can take a stroll in beautiful downtown DeLand (recently voted best downtown in America) and take in a nice meal.

A few things to note.

1. Cumber site is large enough for tent camping only.

2.  We allow only one vehicle per campsite but there is additional parking at the front of the property about 250 feet from the sites.

3. No open fires are permitted at the campsite due to the proximity of the greenhouses.  We do have a screened in fire pit that is free to use.

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4. If at all possible, please no check-ins after 11 p.m.  This is a working farm, and we have to get up early.  If you absolutely cannot get here by then let us know in advance and we will work with you.

5. NO RV”S OR FIFTH WHEELS! the sites were designed for tents and small campers/vans.  In addition we do not have 30amp electric service.

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